Star Gazing In Northeast California At Likely Place RV Park

Star Gazing In Northeast California At Likely Place RV Park

Enjoy some of the darkest skies to be found in California, use one of our 110 volt-supplied concrete star gazing pads at our RV park & tent camping area.

Star Gazing in Northeastern California

Likely Place is One of the Darkest Places in the USA!


Check out the best dates for star gazing on our calendar

GREAT ARTICLE!: Observing on the Modoc Plateau


Our clear, dark skies provide some of the finest star gazing opportunities in California.

Enjoy some of the darkest skies to be found, use one of our 110 volt-supplied concrete star gazing pads, play our 18-hole golf course, eat at our clubhouse grill, use our heated bathrooms & laundry facilities and camp in our RV park or tent camping area.

For more information or to book a space:
Call General Manager Dennis Tate at 530-233-4466 or email us.

Stellarvue Dark Sky Party 2014View more pictures here.

Stellarvue Dark Sky Party 2014
View more pictures here.

Likely Place is a Northern CA Star Gazer's paradise, boasting some of the darkest skies in the U.S., clean mountain air, custom concrete telescope pads & restroom facilities. There's also an 18-hole golf course, restaurant & clubhouse, plus a first-class RV park with all the amenities. We've even installed "dark lighting" in consideration of our astronomy-minded guests.

An entire meadow has been set aside for star gazing. It's conveniently close to our comfortable restrooms and equipped with 6 custom-built concrete viewing pads, each with 110-volt power. Whether you bring your RV, tent camp, or rent our cabin Likely Place has no equal in the West as a comfortable, accommodating destination for Star Gazers.

Looking for an amazing spot in Northern California to view the Perseid Meteor Shower? The night sky at Likely Place is the darkest you'll find in the region, practically custom-made for Northern CA astronomers. Bring your telescope to Likely Place!

The Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events

Check out the Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events so that you can time your visit to Likely Place to coincide with awesome astronomical activity!

For the past seven years Likely Place has been the site of the annual Stellarvue Dark Sky Star Party, an event so popular it books up within two hours of opening for reservations! This event draws Star Gazers to Notheastern CA from across the West, captivated by our incredibly dark skies (21.85 on a dark sky meter), clean air, and the pleasure of being able to relax and enjoy first-class amenities. Our beautiful 6,900 yard, 18 hole golf course is an added bonus.

The appeal of Likely Place as a world-class star gazing destination has not escaped the media's notice. If you read the two recent articles linked below, you'll understand why Likely Place attracts so many dedicated astronomy enthusiasts to Northeastern CA.

Incredible Skies: 21.85 points on a Dark Sky Meter!

The Modoc Plateau region lies in the extreme northeastern corner of California (with parts in Oregon and Nevada). The area, which sits about 5,000 feet (1.5 kilometers) above sea level, features volcanic lava flows and cinder cones 25 million years old. I rate it as one of California's undiscovered gems and, more importantly for amateur astronomers, one of the darkest places in the United States

Read the entire article (2.1MB in PDF format)


To read yet another great article about the fantastic stargazing conditions at Likely Place, published on in August, 2013, CLICK HERE (2.0 MB in PDF format).

If your group needs a place to hold your nextNorthern CA Star Party, consider booking your event at Likely Place. Whether there's four or forty of you, we'll roll out the carpet and make you welcome. Or if you're a solitary hobbyist, searching for a comfortable place to stay with superior viewing, come stay with us — you'll be delighted with our beautiful park, our Northeastern California astronomy facilities, and our unmatched dark skies.

View our Photo Gallery for amazing astronomy photos taken right here at Likely Place.